The first queries were weird

CaptureI have never almost puked over the thought of hitting “Send” on Gmail. Until yesterday.

And I hate Excel with the fury of thirty volcanoes, but that’s a different dread.

In my nervousness, I put it off for a while, until I realized I needed to do it. I had to send out the first query and break the ice. Conquer the fear. Dare forward. All that.

The second one still felt like leaping off a cliff. The third one felt like business.

I’m confident in this query and in this book. Man, this book is amazing. And I don’t say it cuz I wrote it, I say it cuz I’ve been told it is. Cuz people love it as much as I do. Cuz I know, in my gut, in my soul, and in my heart, that this book is special. It is something else. Something more? That sounds excessive. I’m not comfortable with self-aggrandizement. Let’s just say I’m proud of my work.

I’ll be sending out more queries every day, and hopefully, start hearing back soon-ish so that I can gauge the response and know if things are working. I hope things will work out. My gut tells me they will. Let my gut be right.

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