As probably 90% of Earth’s population, I was slightly panicking about the impending beginning of a new decade, thinking I’ve done nothing with my life so far, regretting imaginary and real decisions I respectively imagined and actually made; wondering, “what the fuck next?” The truth is, the past ten years were fruitful, interesting, invigorating, and…

Eyes on the prize

I’ve been feeling off as of lately. A bit afraid. Rather uncomfortable. Too anxious. And I know why. Here’s a list, because lists are my tenth favorite thing on Earth: I’m still editing my sci-fi book. It’s been almost a year (wow, how and why is this taking SO LONG?). I’m tired. But then I’m…

When we visit other worlds

In reality. And in books. I just returned from my first trip to the US. The biggest surprise was how different the culture is when you are there, in comparison with the image you might have from movies, music, and other cultural products. All in all, it was fun, exciting, slightly surprising, and revealing. I…

Well, that was fast

On November 1st, I mentioned that I’d be burning out like a shooting star rushing through the night sky on its way to extinction. Yes, I’m trying to sound cute. Also, guess what? I feel them coming: the mental fog, the drain, the drag. It isn’t only about crafting too many sentences per day (aside…

My apologies: I’ve come to give you a boring pep talk

So I’ve been NaNoing for the last four days (yes, NaNoing is now a verb. No, the dictionaries aren’t with us on this one). This was a last minute decision, and an attempt to avoid closing 2018 with the same (only) MS under my belt. As in most cases, I jumped into my decision without…