Since I’m finishing editing that book I’ve been editing FOREVER SO FAR, a number of questions and tasks have popped up in my head, including but not limited to: Girl, you need to rework your query letter And also, when will you finish editing your other two manuscripts? Because you have to finish writing book…
Tag: Publishing
The grit
Hey, hey, hey, guys! I’m feeling obnoxiously hyper today, all positive for whatever reason. Maybe it’s because after months struggling to get much done, I got my groove back, and I’m PRODUCING big time. FINALLY, and against the odds (read: my own procrastination and laziness), I managed to finish editing my sci-fi book (for the…
When the doors close
It’s been weird lately. I want to cry about this to everyone who’d listen, but I know I shouldn’t. Nobody needs my crap, my sadness, my rants. Anyway, rejection hurts. It is a scary space to inhabit and so damaging. I’m trying to focus on enjoying writing and believing in my projects, but the fear…
The first queries were weird
I have never almost puked over the thought of hitting “Send” on Gmail. Until yesterday. And I hate Excel with the fury of thirty volcanoes, but that’s a different dread. In my nervousness, I put it off for a while, until I realized I needed to do it. I had to send out the first…
As probably 90% of Earth’s population, I was slightly panicking about the impending beginning of a new decade, thinking I’ve done nothing with my life so far, regretting imaginary and real decisions I respectively imagined and actually made; wondering, “what the fuck next?” The truth is, the past ten years were fruitful, interesting, invigorating, and…
Gathering the courage to query
Man, I remember a year ago when I tried sending out a handful of queries for the first time ever. A year ago. That’s the time I’ve spent editing this book once again (HUGE * HERE. SEE BELOW POST). It’s been worthwhile, though, because I’ve grown as a writer and all that blahblahblah but, mostly,…
Writer friends, or foes?
Silence is a writer’s friend. Except when it comes to music. I wonder how people write without music, because there are people who write in silence and that’s crazy to me. The only silence I enjoy is the one produced by the absence of unfamiliar/unwanted human noise. And I don’t only mean I need people…
Publishing Twitter = guaranteed anxiety
The last few days have been one of those “adventures” where, first, you don’t realize you’re in for a ride until your ass is on some weird train, and second, you start off normal, go through a thousand emotions, and finish feeling battered, but vaguely relieved. The context? I’m still editing. Now that we’ve established…
Eyes on the prize
I’ve been feeling off as of lately. A bit afraid. Rather uncomfortable. Too anxious. And I know why. Here’s a list, because lists are my tenth favorite thing on Earth: I’m still editing my sci-fi book. It’s been almost a year (wow, how and why is this taking SO LONG?). I’m tired. But then I’m…
I want people to read my work! But what if they hate it?
And other sentences we obsessively say in our heads. I mean, I really would love for people to read my books (in the plural, because I now have written two books! Can you believe it? I can’t). I’d be elated if, when reading my stories, people happen to enjoy them. “Enjoy” is a bizarre word…
Thinking days, writing days, all days
I wrote and edited so much during November that, as a consequence, I burned out a little and thus have written/edited way less during December. Naturally, I’m starting to freak out about it. But I also feel glad for unwittingly taking some time off. Why? Because thinking days are writing days: even when I don’t…
A promise to myself
I started working on my first book at the end of 2016, which means I spent nine months writing it and have been editing it for about six to seven more months. Vacations, breaks and other interruptions aside, that first manuscript has taken nearly two years to be finished. I created a Twitter account in…