Writing has taught me many lessons. More than I could have imagined it would. It has shown me the generous, kind, self-absorbed, magical, narcissistic, funny, lovely sides of people. It has taught me that time is never to be wasted, but that I should get used to waiting; which would sound like an oxymoron until I tell…
Tag: discipline
Believing in me
I’ve been asking myself, why do I write books? For me, of course. Writing is fun: I can make up stories, people, settings, locations, situations. So, if I do this for me, why do I bother to edit, work with beta readers, and plan on querying and pursuing traditional publication? That is, why do I secretly…
Editing is overwhelming
Many say it, but they are quick to play it down. Are we all afraid of seeming 1) hard to work with? 2) Lazy? or 3) Weak? Because addressing the fact that an activity is challenging (or even frustrating) might (according to the most critical part of our minds) negatively impact how we think…
Well, that was fast
On November 1st, I mentioned that I’d be burning out like a shooting star rushing through the night sky on its way to extinction. Yes, I’m trying to sound cute. Also, guess what? I feel them coming: the mental fog, the drain, the drag. It isn’t only about crafting too many sentences per day (aside…
My apologies: I’ve come to give you a boring pep talk
So I’ve been NaNoing for the last four days (yes, NaNoing is now a verb. No, the dictionaries aren’t with us on this one). This was a last minute decision, and an attempt to avoid closing 2018 with the same (only) MS under my belt. As in most cases, I jumped into my decision without…
Weekend dread, hope, and guilt
There is a quote on how writers have homework every night for the rest of their lives. That burden is real, beautiful, and hefty. Since I started to write again, I have no rest. Every spare minute of my life is spent working on my current book, thinking about it, plotting in my mind and,…