My first book? PUBLISHED!

It’s been forever since I last posted here. “But, why was that?” you wonder? LOOK AT MY BOOK’S GORGEOUS, BADASS COVER PLEASE ANTI is a young adult (with crossover appeal) science fiction book with a cast of villains doing awful things for good reasons. Love and hate relationships, enemies-to-lovers-to-????, cool robots, evil robots, space trips,…

Back, baby

I have no clue why I haven’t blogged lately. Maybe it’s the pandemic. What else is there to talk about except crazy politics, pandemic, vaccines, social distancing, pandemic, pandemic, meh? IDK, guys, this year just feels like wasted time. Many friends of mine went on vacation during the summer, but I wasn’t bold enough to…

Thou shalt become a brand, right?

Since I’m finishing editing that book I’ve been editing FOREVER SO FAR, a number of questions and tasks have popped up in my head, including but not limited to: Girl, you need to rework your query letter And also, when will you finish editing your other two manuscripts? Because you have to finish writing book…

The grit

Hey, hey, hey, guys! I’m feeling obnoxiously hyper today, all positive for whatever reason. Maybe it’s because after months struggling to get much done, I got my groove back, and I’m PRODUCING big time. FINALLY, and against the odds (read: my own procrastination and laziness), I managed to finish editing my sci-fi book (for the…

Sometimes, I dislike being a pantser

Going through my NaNoWriMo 2019 draft, I noticed two things: This book is dumb and fun. I still need to reinforce the main plotline (aka everything that isn’t the parties and the romance between 2 of the 3 main characters. I feel so uncomfortable writing cute relationships; I need to wreck that thing somehow). The…

How to survive: A kit

I might start blogging A LOT, guys. Suddenly, I feel like documenting my querying experience here instead of on Twitter—so that I can revisit these posts and see how unhinged, or not, I was at any particular point. I’m just getting started, so prepare to unfollow because I know that, regardless of the outcome, I’ll…

The first queries were weird

I have never almost puked over the thought of hitting “Send” on Gmail. Until yesterday. And I hate Excel with the fury of thirty volcanoes, but that’s a different dread. In my nervousness, I put it off for a while, until I realized I needed to do it. I had to send out the first…

The 2020 agenda

I love lists. Lists are the only way I can get anything done. The sheer pleasure of crossing off something I’ve successfully completed/done is similar to the pleasure the chocolate and cake I devoured during NYE gave me. Guys, I ate way too much. Anyway, I started off the year by: Sleeping in Eating more…


As probably 90% of Earth’s population, I was slightly panicking about the impending beginning of a new decade, thinking I’ve done nothing with my life so far, regretting imaginary and real decisions I respectively imagined and actually made; wondering, “what the fuck next?” The truth is, the past ten years were fruitful, interesting, invigorating, and…

Gathering the courage to query

Man, I remember a year ago when I tried sending out a handful of queries for the first time ever. A year ago. That’s the time I’ve spent editing this book once again (HUGE * HERE. SEE BELOW POST). It’s been worthwhile, though, because I’ve grown as a writer and all that blahblahblah but, mostly,…

Stop seeking/needing approval

I’ll talk about several things, so, first off, the title of this post is deceiving. To make things easier, here’s a list: After fretting over the decision for the months I’ve spent trapped in the editing mines, I’ve resolved to query soon. This means I immediately freaked out and turned into a puddle of stress…

I can write, but I can’t edit

We’re past half November, which means 30th November is LOOMING, PEOPLE, LOOMING. In what I’m sure has now become tradition, I’m doing NaNoWriMo. Surprisingly, the time of the year when I’m able to write first drafts. Unsurprisingly, always under severe pressure. Except this NaNoWriMo is going remarkably well, and this book is happening. While I…