Man, I remember a year ago when I tried sending out a handful of queries for the first time ever.
A year ago.
That’s the time I’ve spent editing this book once again (HUGE * HERE. SEE BELOW POST).
It’s been worthwhile, though, because I’ve grown as a writer and all that blahblahblah but, mostly, because the book needed it.
Now, I’m at the end of this specific traject with that book. Meaning, I’ve given it all I have up until this moment: my words, my thoughts, my faith, my love, my work, my effort, my time, and yes, my tears. I once said I wouldn’t cry for this book. What a fool. I did so just last week.
I cried because I was stressed about (insert here all things re: querying).
Then, I sought wise, expert advice. To get out of that zone. To gather the courage. To find the strength I was lacking.
Thank you to my writer friends. I’d go crazy without them.
Anyway, I’ll be querying soon. And I have a good feeling about it.
That’s it. I just wanted to mark this moment.
The moment I free myself of all doubt and go for it.
* I obviously did more than just edit that book this year.
- Worked on my Fantasy WIP. (Top writing priority for the first trimester of 2020.)
- Wrote a NA contemporary draft. (Hoping to finish writing it this month or at least in January 2020, so that I can focus on the fantasy WIP.)
- Bought a house! (YAS!)
- Traveled to some of my favorite places, and a few, fun new ones too.
- Came up with the plot of this book’s sequel. (I’ve been claiming not to write series. So, OF COURSE, here we are.)
Congratulations on your new home! Sounds like you’ve had a very productive year!
Thank you! I’m so happy about that, it’s a big thing for me. It was a good year. Hope yours was good too!