The grit

Hey, hey, hey, guys! I’m feeling obnoxiously hyper today, all positive for whatever reason. Maybe it’s because after months struggling to get much done, I got my groove back, and I’m PRODUCING big time. FINALLY, and against the odds (read: my own procrastination and laziness), I managed to finish editing my sci-fi book (for the…

Bye, bye insecurity

For a very, very long time, I’ve felt insecure about my writing. I’d enumerate the reasons, but right now, that feels like giving them power, and this post and this day are all about flipping the switch an empowering myself. I firmly believe I will reach my writing goals, I will get my books published,…

Sometimes, I dislike being a pantser

Going through my NaNoWriMo 2019 draft, I noticed two things: This book is dumb and fun. I still need to reinforce the main plotline (aka everything that isn’t the parties and the romance between 2 of the 3 main characters. I feel so uncomfortable writing cute relationships; I need to wreck that thing somehow). The…

The 2020 agenda

I love lists. Lists are the only way I can get anything done. The sheer pleasure of crossing off something I’ve successfully completed/done is similar to the pleasure the chocolate and cake I devoured during NYE gave me. Guys, I ate way too much. Anyway, I started off the year by: Sleeping in Eating more…

Gathering the courage to query

Man, I remember a year ago when I tried sending out a handful of queries for the first time ever. A year ago. That’s the time I’ve spent editing this book once again (HUGE * HERE. SEE BELOW POST). It’s been worthwhile, though, because I’ve grown as a writer and all that blahblahblah but, mostly,…

I can write, but I can’t edit

We’re past half November, which means 30th November is LOOMING, PEOPLE, LOOMING. In what I’m sure has now become tradition, I’m doing NaNoWriMo. Surprisingly, the time of the year when I’m able to write first drafts. Unsurprisingly, always under severe pressure. Except this NaNoWriMo is going remarkably well, and this book is happening. While I…

I should be editing

But first, I need to perform some sort of power rant. That’s a thing, I promise. Can’t explain to you how it works, I’m just a firm believer in the power of the scream. And this is me, screaming into the void of my blog that I’ll start editing my sci-fi book for the final…

How is it October already?!

Guys, it is October. The fucking year basically ENDED. In 2019 I was going to: Query my YA sci-fi book. The one I’m still editing because it is 9k words too long, yay! Finish my 2018 NaNo WIP—with which I’m probably only halfway through because it needed a lot of “pre-editing to make ANY SENSE,…

I can’t stop procrastinating

And I HATE THAT. I probably even hate myself when I do it. I genuinely wish I could switch my focus on and off and never waste any time. Some people will tell me it’s leisure time, important, and etc. I see your point. I agree with it. But every single second we waste is…

I thought I had finished editing my book BUT NO

I’m 30k words over the 100k mark, which I’ve heard is the maximum number of words an aspiring author should be querying. 30k. Let it sink: 30,000 words. That’s half of some people’s books. 30k. Yes, my book is a sci-fi story, and yes, my current word count is well within the industry’s standards for…

Comfortable with the discomfort

Writing has taught me many lessons. More than I could have imagined it would. It has shown me the generous, kind, self-absorbed, magical, narcissistic, funny, lovely sides of people. It has taught me that time is never to be wasted, but that I should get used to waiting; which would sound like an oxymoron until I tell…

Do we ever finish editing?

Nah, we don’t. I mean, is there anything else to say about editing? No. Editing is a dark place of gloom, tears, and despair. I have heard there are some mythical beings out there who enjoy editing their manuscripts. I haven’t met them, neither want to —because I can’t trust them, man. How can anyone…