I love lists. Lists are the only way I can get anything done. The sheer pleasure of crossing off something I’ve successfully completed/done is similar to the pleasure the chocolate and cake I devoured during NYE gave me. Guys, I ate way too much.
Anyway, I started off the year by:
- Sleeping in
- Eating more cake
- Day-drinking (I swear I don’t have a problem, I just needed to celebrate, during the day, one glass per slice of cake, OK?)
- Watching horror movies
- Doing loads of laundry (is laundry ever “finished?” Laundry is like editing: forever)
- Starting Anna Wintour’s MasterClass —which is quite shite, and little more than a Vogue PR campaign. Some of the advice is motivating, but nothing feels eye-opening or groundbreaking. At least it is short. Honestly, the best class is Neil Gaiman’s, now THAT is a fucking jewel
- Writing (OK, that I did in the wee hours, before going to bed like at 02h00)
- Editing (or at least trying to? At this point, I genuinely have nothing else to edit out of my book)
And today, the second day of the year, I went all-in for the list. A month by month planning of my writing and editing agenda. I’ll share it here just so that I can come back to it and reprimand myself whenever I fall behind since I discovered I need deadlines and etc.
Delete 1k from my sci-fi book so that I can finally query itPolish my query letter. Let some people read itQuery when steps 1 and 2 have been completedFinish writing my NaNoWriMo 2019 book
Keep writing TTMQuery, query
Keep writing TTM (cuz that book needs to be finished)Revise my opening pages and resume querying
Keep writing TTM- Edit A
- Add some scenes to the NaNoWriMo 2019 book
- Work on a graphic novel
Update: K, so April was not my most productive month.
- Finish writing TTM
Send A to new betas- Polish A a bit more
- Work on a graphic novel
Update: being productive during a pandemic isn’t one of my skills.
Finish writing TTMPolish A a bit moreFinish TC- Work on a graphic novel
Read-through AStart writing A2- Start editing TTM
- Polish TC
- Work on a graphic novel
- Query A
- Edit TTM
Keep writing A2- Finish writing TC
Send TC to betasWork on graphic novel
Finish writing TCFinish sending TC to betas- Finish writing TTM
Rework query A1- Query A1
- Write text graphic novel
- Finish writing TTM
Polish TCPolish A1- Work on graphic novel
NaNoWriMo 2020- Query A1
Edit TTM- Start editing A2
- Finish NaNoWriMo 2020 draft
Let’s go.